Friday, October 8, 2010

3 Weeks

*So I typed all of this up on Tuesday and tried to post pictures with it, but then our internet messed up and I got frustrated... So I'll post the pics later. Also, we heard today that his last cystic fibrosis test came back normal!! Praising the Lord for sure!*

The past few weeks have been the most amazing and hardest weeks of our lives! It's hard to believe that this little person who has changed our lives completely wasn't around 3 weeks ago! We can't say enough good things about our delivery experience! The hospital was amazing, the nurses were awesome and so supportive of our decision to not have an epidural! I was working on no sleep, we definitely didn't expect my water to suddenly break at 2 in the morning, but everyone was so great and helpful! Drew especially was so supportive, I definitely couldn't have done it without him! Then after 16 hours our sweet son was here!

Dillon got to meet his mommy, daddy, mawmaw, daddy Jim, poppy and nan! Lots of people were there to welcome him and love on him! I don't remember a whole lot from that night, I was so ready for bed, but I do remember so many people being excited about his arrival!

The biggest shock came when it was time to leave the hospital... and take Dillon with us! It was definitely a surreal feeling to suddenly have an extra member of our family! I am so thankful that my mom and dad were able to stay with us that first week. It was so great to have them as we started adjusting to our new family life.

Our friends at church have also been amazing! They have brought such amazing food!! I still haven't had to cook a meal because of them and a few meals from the freezer (thanks to my dear mother-in-law!)

We have had our share of adventures with this little man already. We went home from the hospital on Wednesday and had to go see his pediatrician on Thursday because they thought he might have a jaundice problem. That turned out to be fine, but they started worrying about how much weight he had lost. So we started going back to check his weight every 2 days... We also got to see a cardiologist and he had a hip ultrasound, not because they thought anything was wrong but because there was a family history of problems. The poor thing has seen a Dr. more days than he hasn't! Finally, at his 2 week check-up his Dr. said he might be gaining too much weight!

We also had our first experience having to really rely on and trust God for our child. We got a phone call saying that his results from a cystic fibrosis screening came back abnormal. We now know that I am not a carrier so there's no way Dillon has this disease and that there seems to be some sort of problem at the lab where they send these tests because so many are coming back abnormal, but at the time we were really scared. Drew came home from work and we prayed and cried and called family and took him back to the hospital to have them take blood again. That was not what we expected. We can't tell you how thankful we are for our family and friends, for all your prayers and for information about how inaccurate these screenings are. We're also thankful for a powerful God who we can trust. Even if Dillon has CF, we can trust that God would be glorified! Well, the results of the 2nd screening also came back abnormal and we have to take him to another hospital early tomorrow morning for some sort of sweat test. So much for our week without seeing a doctor! And a couple days later we should know for sure that he does not have cystic fibrosis!

So that's our first 3 weeks in a nutshell. We've also had plenty of fun learning his personality (so lucky he's happy and laid back like his daddy!) and introducing him to new things, like taking him to church and to play disc golf! We're excited to get to watch our little man continue to grow!

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